Home Christ in song 17 Tis Love That Makes Us Happy | Christ In Song Hymnal

17 Tis Love That Makes Us Happy | Christ In Song Hymnal


17 Tis Love That Makes Us Happy

`Tis love that makes us happy, `Tis love that smoothes the way;
It helps us “mind “,it makes us kind to others everyday

God is love; we’re his little children.
God is love, we would be like him.
`Tis love that makes us happy,
`Tis love that smoothes our way
It helps “mind “it makes us kind
To others everyday.

This world is full of sorrow, Of sickness, death and sin;
With loving hearts we’ll do our part, And try some soul to win.

And when this life is over, And we are called above,
Our song shall be eternally, Of Jesus and his love.

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