57 “Whosoever Heareth” | Christ In Song Hymnal


57 “Whosoever Heareth”

”Whosoever heareth”, shout, shout the sound!
Send the blessed tidings all the world around;
Spread the joyful news wherever man is found;
“Whosoever will may come.”

“Whosoever will, whosever will,”
Send the proclamation over vale and hill;
“Tis a loving Father calls the wand’rer home;”
“Whosoever will may come.”

“Whosoever cometh need not delay,
Now the door is open, enter while you may;
Jesus is the true, the only Living Way;
“Whosoever will may come.”

“Whosoever will,” the promise secure,
“Whosoever will,” for ever must endure;
“Whosoever will,” Tis life for ever more;
“Whosoever will may come.”

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