101 Jesus Is Calling. | Christ In Song Hymnal


101 Jesus Is Calling.

Jesus is tenderly calling thee home,
Calling today, calling today;
Why from the sunshine of love wilt thou roam,
Farther and farther away?

Call…ing today….call…ing today,
(Calling today, calling today;
Calling today, calling today,)
Jes…….us is call…ing, is tenderly calling today.
(Jesus is tenderly calling today)

Jesus is calling the weary to rest,
Calling today, calling today;
Bring him thy burden, and thou shalt be blest;
He will not turn thee away.

Jesus is waiting, oh, come to Him now,
Waiting today, waiting today;
Come with thy sins, at His feet lowly bow;
Come, and no longer delay.

Jesus is pleading, oh, list to His voice,
Hear Him today, Hear Him today;
They who believe on His name shall rejoice;
Quickly arise and away.

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