299 Always Cheerful | Christ In Song Hymnal

299 Always Cheerful | Christ In Song Hymnal
299 Always Cheerful | Christ In Song Hymnal

299 Always Cheerful

Let our hearts be always cheerful;
Why should murmuring enter there,
When our kind and loving Father,
Makes us children of His care.

Always cheerful, always cheerful,
Sunshine all around we see;
Full of beauty is the path of duty,
Cheerful we may always be.

With His gentle hand to lead us,
Should the pow’rs of sin assail,
He has promised grace to help us;
Never can His promise fail.

When we turn aside from duty,
Comes the pain of doing wrong;
And a shadow, creeping o’er us,
Checks the rapture of our song.

Oh! The good are always happy,
And their path is ever bright;
Let us heed the blessed counsel,
Shun the wrong and love the right.

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