58 All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name.
All hail the powr of Jesus name! Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all;
Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all.
Ye chosen seed of Israels race, A remnant weak and small;
Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all.
Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all.
Let evry kindred, evry tribe, On this terrestrial ball;
To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all;
To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all.
O that with yonder sacred throng, We at His feet may fall;
Well join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all;
Well join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all.
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