241 Beulah Land | Christ In Song Hymnal

241 Beulah Land | Christ In Song Hymnal
241 Beulah Land | Christ In Song Hymnal

241 Beulah Land

There is a land of corn and wine,
And all its joys will soon be mine;
There shines undimmed one blissful day,
For earth’s dark night has passed away.

O Beulah land! Sweet Beulah land!
Upon thy heights I long to stand,
And view the radiant, jasper sea,
And mansions fair, prepared for me,
And find on that eternal shore,
My heaven, my home, for ever-more.

My Saviour then will walk with me;
O sweet communion that will be!
He’ll gently lead me by the hand,
In that celestial, happy land.

A sweet perfume upon the breeze,
Will come from ever vernal trees,
And flowers that never fading grow,
Where streams of life forever flows.

The zephyrs then will laden be,
With sounds of sweetest melody,
As angels, with the ransomed throng,
Join in the sweet redemption song.

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