206 I Gave My Life For Thee
I gave my life Thee, My precious blood I shed,
That Thou mightst ransomed be,
And quickenedfrom the dead,
I gave, I gave my life for Thee,
What hast thou given for me?
I gave, I gave my life for Thee,
What hast thou given for me?
My Fathers house of light,
My glory circled throne,
I left for earthly night,
For wandrings sad and lone!
I left, I left it all for Thee,
Hast Thou left aught for me?
I left, I left it all for Thee,
Hast Thou left aught for me?
I suffered much for Thee, More thy tongue can tell,
Of bittrest agony, To rescue Thee from hell,
Ive borne, Ive borne it all for Thee,
What hast Thou borne for me?
Ive borne, Ive borne it all for Thee,
What hast Thou borne for me?
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