9 Jesus Is Coming Again | Christ In Song Hymnal


9 Jesus Is Coming Again

Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring;
Jesus is coming again!
Cheer up ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing;
Jesus is coming again!

Coming again, coming again,
Jesus is coming again!

Echo it, hilltops, proclaim it, ye plains;
Jesus is coming again!
Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain;
Jesus is coming again!

Sound it, old ocean, in each mighty wave;
Jesus is coming again!
Break on the sands of the shores that ye lave;
Jesus is coming again!

Hearings of earth, tell the vast, wond’ring throng;
Jesus is coming again!
Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong;
Jesus is coming again!

Nations are angry, by this we do know;
Jesus is coming again!
Knowledge increases, men run to and fro;
Jesus is coming again!

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