174 O For A Faith | Christ In Song Hymnal

174 O For A Faith | Christ In Song Hymnal
174 O For A Faith | Christ In Song Hymnal

174 O For A Faith

O for a faith that will not shrink,
Tho’ pressed by many a foe;
That will not tremble on the brink,
Of poverty or woe.

That will not murmur or complain,
Beneath the chast’ning rod;
But in the hour of grief or pain,
Can lean upon its God.

A faith that shines more bright and clear,
When rage without;
Then when in danger knows no fear,
In darkness feels no doubt.

That bears unmoved the world’s dread frown,
Nor heeds its scornful smile;
That sins wild ocean cannot drown,
Nor its soft arts beguile.

Lord, give me such a faith as this,
And then what’er may come;
I’ll taste e’en here the hallowed bliss,
Of eternal home.

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