173 How Cheering! | Christ In Song Hymnal

173 How Cheering! | Christ In Song Hymnal
173 How Cheering! | Christ In Song Hymnal

173 How Cheering!

How cheering is the Christian’s hope,
While toiling here below!
It buoys us up while passing through,
This wilderness of woe;
It buoys us up while passing through,
This wilderness of woe.

It points to us a land of rest,
Where saints with Christ will reign;
Where we shall meet the loved of earth,
And never part again,
Where we shall meet the loved of earth,
And never part again.

A land where sin can never come,
Temptations ne’er annoy;
Where happiness will ever dwell,
And that without alloy;
Where happiness will ever dwell,
And that without alloy.

In that bright world no tears will flow,
Death ne’er can enter there;
For all who gain that heavenly land,
will be as angels are;
For all who gain the heavenly land,
Will be as angels are.

Fly, ling’ring moments, fly, O fly,
Dear Saviour, quickly come!
We long to see thee as thou art,
And reach that blissful home;
We long to see thee as thou art,
And reach that blissful home.

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