213 My Song. | Christ In Song Hymnal

213 My Song. | Christ In Song Hymnal
213 My Song. | Christ In Song Hymnal

213 My Song.

O Jesus my Redeemer, Thou art my joy and song,
My Savouir and my solace,
When griefs around me throng.

O Jesus my Redeemer,
My song shall be of Thee,
No other friend so constant,
No friend so dear to me.

Thou art my hope and comfort,
Through all the weary years.
When shadows dark surround me,
When fall the bitter tears.

I trust in Thee, my Saviour,
My faithful friend and guide,
For thou to me art dearer,
Than all on earth beside.

Thou art my soul’s rejoicing,
While in this world of sin,
Thou shalt be my rejoicing,
The heav’nly gates within.

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