73 Called To The Feast. | Christ In Song Hymnal


73 Called To The Feast.

Called to the feast by the King are we,
Sitting perhaps where his people be;
How will it fare, friend, with thee and me,
When the King comes in?

When the King comes in, brother,
When the King comes in!
How will it fare with thee and me,
When the King comes in?

Crowns on the head where the thorns have been,
Glorified he who once died for men;
Splendid the vision before us then,
When the King comes in.

Like lightning’s flash will that instant show,
Things hidden long from both friend and foe;
Just what we are will each neighbor know,
When the King comes in.

Joyful his eye shall on each one rest,
Who is in white wedding, garments dressed;
Ah! Well for us if we stand the test,
When the King comes in.

Endless the sad separation then,
Bitter the cry of deluded men;
Awful that moment of anguish,
When Christ the King comes in.

Lord, grant us all, we implore thee, grace,
So to await thee, each in his place;
That we may fear not to see thy face,
When the King comes in.

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