231 Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart. | Christ In Song Hymnal

231 Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart. | Christ In Song Hymnal
231 Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart. | Christ In Song Hymnal

231 Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart.

If you are tired of the load of your sin,
Let Jesus come into your heart;
If you desire a new life to begin,
Let Jesus come into your heart.

Just now, your doubtings give o’er;
Just now reject Him no more;
Just now, throw open the door;
Let Jesus come into your heart.

If ‘tis for purity now that you sigh,
Let Jesus come into your heart;
Fountains for cleansing are flowing near by,
Let Jesus come into your heart.

If there’s a tempest your voice cannot still,
Let Jesus come into your heart;
If there’s a void this world never can fill,
Let Jesus come into your heart.

If friends, once trusted, have proven untrue,
Let Jesus come into your heart;
Find what a Friend He will be unto you,
Let Jesus come into your heart.

If you would join the songs of the blest,
Let Jesus come into your heart;
If you would enter the mansions of rest,
Let Jesus come into your heart.

Chorus last stanza:
Just now, my doubtings are o’er;
Just now, rejecting no more;
I open the door,
And Jesus comes into my heart.

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