254 Praise Ye Jehovah’s Name. | Christ In Song Hymnal

254 Praise Ye Jehovah’s Name. | Christ In Song Hymnal
254 Praise Ye Jehovah’s Name. | Christ In Song Hymnal

254 Praise Ye Jehovah’s Name.

Praise ye Jehovah’s name, Praise through His courts proclaim,
Rise and adore, High o’er the heav’ns above,
Sounds His great acts of love, While His rich grace we prove,
Vast as His power.

Now let the trumpet raise, Sounds of triumphant praise,
Wide as His fame, There let the harp be found;
Organs of solemn sound, Roll your deep notes around,
Filled with His name.

While His high praise you sing, Shake ev’ry sounding string;
Sweet the accord! He vital breath bestows;
Let ev’ry breath that flows, His noble fame disclose,
Praise ye the Lord.

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