300 Rest For The Weary. | Christ In Song Hymnal

300 Rest For The Weary. | Christ In Song Hymnal
300 Rest For The Weary. | Christ In Song Hymnal

300 Rest For The Weary.

In the Christian’s home in glory,
There remains a land of rest
And my Saviour’s gone before me,
To fulfill my soul’s request.

There is rest for the weary,
There is rest for the weary,
There is rest for the weary,
There is rest for you.
On the other side of Jordan,
In the sweet fields of Eden,
Where the tree of life is blooming,
There is rest for you.

He is fitting up my mansion,
Which eternally shall stand,
For my stay shall be transient,
In that holy, happy land.

Pain or sickness ne’er shall enter,
Grief nor woe my lot shall share;
But in that celestial center,
I a crown of life shall wear.

Death itself shall then be vanquished,
And its stung shall be withdrawn;
Shout for gladness, O ye ransomed!
Hail with joy the rising morn.

Sing, O sing, ye heirs of glory,
Shout your triumph as you go;
Zion’s gates will open for you,
You shall find an entrance through.

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