260 Vale Of Beulah. | Christ In Song Hymnal

260 Vale Of Beulah. | Christ In Song Hymnal
260 Vale Of Beulah. | Christ In Song Hymnal

260 Vale Of Beulah.

I am passing down the valley that they say is so lone.
‘Tis to me the vale of Beulah,‘tis a beautiful way,
But I find that all the pathway is with flowers o’er grown,
For the Saviour walks beside me, my companion all day.

Vale of Beulah, Vale of Beulah, Thou art precious to me;
For the lovely of the promise, In the distance I see.

Not a shadow, not a shadow ever darkens the way,
And the music, sweetly chanted by the heavenly throng,
For a radiance of rare glory shines upon it all day,
Floats in cadence down the valley, and it cheers me along.

So I journey with rejoicing toward the city of light,
And I near the open portals of the kingdom above,
While each day my joy is deeper, and the path grows more bright,
For this highway leads to heaven, to the kingdom of love.

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