291 Worthy, Worthy, Is The Lamb. | Christ In Song Hymnal

291 Worthy, Worthy, Is The Lamb. | Christ In Song Hymnal
291 Worthy, Worthy, Is The Lamb. | Christ In Song Hymnal

291 Worthy, Worthy, Is The Lamb.

Worthy, worthy, is the Lamb,
Worthy, worthy, is the Lamb;
Worthy, worthy, is the Lamb,That was slain.

Glory, hallelujah! Praise Him, hallelujah!
Glory, hallelujah! To the Lamb!

Saviour, let Thy kingdom come!
Now the power of sin consume;
Bring Thy blest millennium,
Holy Lamb.

Thus may we each moment feel,
Love Him, serve Him, praise Him still;
Till we all on Zion’s hill, See the Lamb.

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