123 The Holiest Name. | Christ In Song Hymnal


123 The Holiest Name.

Dearest name in earth or heaven,
Sweetest name my heart hath known;
By the Father it was given,
To his well beloved Son.

‘Tis the holiest name,………. ‘Tis the holiest name
(Blessed name!) (blessed name!)
From the Father’s lips to the earth it came.
Brought by angels of light,………
In the stillness of night,
Was the dear, dear name of Jesus.

To my heart it brings a blessing,
And my lips take up the strain;
And his wond’rous name confessing,
Tell its sweetness over again.

Oh, my soul would swell the chorus,
Singing his redeeming love;
And ascribe eternal praises,
To the name all names above.

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