84 Praise God! | Christ In Song Hymnal


84 Praise God!

Praise God! From whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost……

84a Singing As We Journey.

We are children of a King,
Heav’nly King, Heav’nly King;
We are children of a King,
Singing as we journey;
Jesus Christ, our guard and guide,
Bids us, nothing terrified,
Follow closely at His side,
Singing as we journey.

We are traveling to our home,
Blessed home, Blessed home;
We are traveling to our home,
Singing as we journey.
Tow’d a city out of sight,
Where will fall no shed of light,
For our Saviour is its light,
Singing as we journey.

Full of joy we onward go,
Heav’nward go, Heav’nward go,
Full of joy we onward go,
Singing as we journey;
Singing all the journey through,
Singing hearts are brave and true,
Singing till our home we view,
Singing as we journey.

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